Tuesday 26 June 2012


 we will not let any infringement on the sovereignty and independence of the Parliament‚ which is only answerable to its electorate.
 Prime Minister

Raja Pervez Ashraf  SAYS

Ø           At the very outset, I welcome the new Cabinet as members of my team.

Ø           I would on behalf of my Cabinet Colleagues pay sincere tributes to my predecessor, Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, for his principled stand to protect the Constitution.

Ø    Pakistan Peoples Party strongly   believes that politics of confrontation   should be shunned for which all    democratic forces need to show   sincerity of purpose, prudence and    maturity, allowing space to their    opponents.

Ø           In my opinion, the policy of my Shaheed Leaders, was followed by him. We will continue to seek his guidance, as we move on.

Ø           You all are aware that we face challenges, which are very serious in nature and if not addressed effectively and properly, could even shake the foundations of democracy. In order to sustain and strengthen democracy, this Cabinet will have to grapple with the issues and problems with zeal and dynamism.

Ø           Due to negative propaganda, our people are disheartened, by the confusion that has befallen upon them in the last few weeks.

Ø           We have to do something special to pull the Nation out of dejection and galvanize them into activity and forward movement. This throws additional responsibility on all of us as our people are looking for guidance and have high expectations for more effective leadership and better service delivery.

Ø           As part of Peoples Party’s reconciliatory policy, I once again invite all political parties to move forward and join hands with me in the service of our beloved country.

Ø           My Cabinet will generally work in continuation of the policy already in place, with some necessary adjustments as may be warranted by the changing situation.
Ø           I am very much confident that with energy, zeal and experience of my Cabinet Colleagues, I would come up to the expectations of my people.

Ø           The country at the moment is confronted with many critical issues. The Government is committed to resolve, the critically important issue of energy and achieving energy security for the country on top priority basis. The power sector is at present facing a wide demand and supply gap, which warrants immediate enhancement in generation and management of supply and distribution.

Ø           If the situation goes on unabated, it can have serious economic and political consequences.

Ø           The issue of energy shortage is not only hitting the common man by disrupting daily life but also adversely affecting the industrial and agricultural sectors productivity.

Ø           This is an admitted fact that during the Pakistan Peoples Party’s tenure, the Agriculture Sector gave support to our economy and from wheat importing country, we have become a wheat exporting country. Our import bill on sugar has declined drastically due to increase in sugar production and rice export. This achievement is a result of our farmer-friendly policies. We would like to see this sector growing and will not let the electricity constraints hit this important sector.

Ø           Likewise our exports were 19.6 billion US $ in FY 2010-11 and have now reached 25.4 billion US $ in FY 2011-12. These are likely to be increased with the passage of time, thanks mainly to textile, pharmaceuticals and Allied Industries. Closure of factories due to power outages will not only lead to massive un-employment but will also result in decrease in foreign exchange   earnings and we cannot afford such consequences.

Ø           I have instructed the Ministry of Petroleum to ensure un-interrupted supply of 28,000 ton furnace oil daily to the power sector. It will add 1200 MW of electricity to the National Grid System.
Ø           I would instruct Ministry of Water & Power to recover the outstanding dues of WAPDA from all the  Federal/ Provincial Governments/ Departments and Private Sector entities, without any discrimination. In case there is default from the Government Departments, M/o Finance should consider deducting the outstanding dues through Federal adjuster.

Ø           My dear Cabinet Colleagues, as the Parliament represents 180 million people, our Government holds it as a supreme and sovereign institution. We will not let any infringement on the sovereignty and independence of the Parliament, which is only answerable to its electorate.

Ø           I am aware that there is talk about Governance issues in print and electronic media. I urge the management of PIA, WAPDA, Railways, Steel Mill and other State Enterprises to focus on their operational efficiency, cut down their non-development and wasteful expenses and bring in qualified professionals for meeting the modern day management challenges. I would ask these state institutions to give me a road map in this regard.

Ø           Pakistan is a peace loving country, which values its relations with the Islamic World, USA, China, European Union, Japan and all its neighbours including India and Afghanistan.

Ø           My Government is mindful of the fact that extremism, militancy, intolerance, sectarian violence and terrorism, all put together, have posed a serious challenge to our sovereignty, security and National cohesion. We as a Nation have to thwart the sinister designs of these forces and the government on its part will work with lot of dedication to establish the writ of the State, wherever they operate.

Ø           Let me categorically declare that we will not let our land to be used against any country for any terrorist activity. Simultaneously, we would expect our neighbours and other powers to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Ø           Pak – US relations are passing through a very delicate and critical phase and we will not take hasty and emotional decisions that do not auger well. NATO supply routes to Afghanistan were blocked because of an un-provoked attack on Salalah Check Post. The un-conditional apology from the US for this blatant attack is the demand of the Parliament and we shall proceed always keeping our national interests in view.

Ø           During my first address in the Parliament as Leader of the House, I have categorically stated that Balochistan is our priority. I invite all the Baloch Leaders, in and outside Pakistan, to come and sit across the table with us in finding an amicable solution of the Balochistan issue. I promise that we shall go beyond their expectations in helping the Baloch people and giving them their due rights within the domain of Constitution.

Ø           At this moment, I would request all patriotic Baloch leadership to keep a close eye on the activities of anti state elements, who are playing havoc with life, property, economic activity and poor non-Baloch people of the area. Keeping in mind the traditional Baloch values, I expect them to ensure safety of these people. The Government will continue to follow the policy of dialogue, rule of law and autonomy as provided in the Constitution.

Ø           We introduced the best poverty alleviation programme i.e. Benazir Income Support Programme, which is admired for its transparency and positive outcomes by the international donors and agencies.

Ø           With these remarks, I conclude and invite your candid opinions.

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