Tuesday 19 June 2012


Chairman Senate Syed Nayyar Hussain Bokhari has said that Pakistan needs smooth transition of power from one civilian government to another after electoral process and continuity of democracy in the country is pre-requisite for ensuring good governance through effective and efficient service delivery to the public by the institutions leading to ultimate peace and prosperity. He was expressing these views in a meeting with 58 membered delegation of media studies students of Islamia University Bahawalpur at Parliament House today.
The Chairman deliberated upon constitutional and political history of the country as well as talked about past status of media in the country and said that due to discontinuity of democratic process and restrictions on media during dictatorial regimes transparency, accountability and accessibility to information has always been lacking and there was only marginalized people’s participation that resulted into decision making on adhoc basis. Bokhari reiterated that refinement for desired results needs continuity.
The Chairman said that access to information is a basic right and media has crucial role to play for informing and educating every segment of society regarding the problems facing the country and seeking their possible solutions. He advised the media studies students that huge responsibility lies on your shoulder and you must go for objective reporting without succumbing to your personal likes and dislikes and act as forerunners for building this country via provision of reliable and timely information to decision makers and proper functioning of democratic legislature.
Talking about Parliament-media relationship he said that today’s representative democracy places special emphasis on making people aware of the Parliamentary proceedings and likewise providing feedback of people regarding public service delivery and their aspirations so as people’s representatives work in line with their wishes and desires. Hence, media plays the role of a bridge between the citizenry and elected representatives via exchange of two-way flow of information. Parliament and media though independent in any democracy are complementary in their activities and effects and work for common goal i.e. enlightenment and good governance for citizens.
Answering a query regarding creation of new provinces in the country, the Chairman said that such decisions will be taken in line with people’s aspirations of that area. Talking about energy crisis in the country, the Chairman said that there are multiple reasons of this crisis like electricity theft, line losses, adhocism in initiation of energy related projects and lack of long term planning by previous governments. He told the students that Pakistan needs innovative approach to resolve energy crisis by usage of hydle energy as thermal is expensive along with exploring other sources of energy e.g. solar, wind and nuclear etc.
Answering a question regarding confrontation of judiciary and government the Chairman said that perceptions vary across the spectrum and different state organs should work in their own ambit without transgressing the boundaries of one another that leads to smooth sailing.
Regarding Balochistan issue, the Chairman apprised that present government has tried to lesson the sense of deprivation of Balochi people by taking various initiatives like renewed NFC Award in which provincial share has been increased manifold and it has been done keeping in consideration not only population but also area and poverty level in that province. As a Leader of House he was heading a special committee that ensured provincial quotas to be implemented for Balchis in various federal services and departments.
Talking about war on terror and losses accrued in men and material terms the Chairman said that Pakistan needs security and peace for economic development and foreign direct investment to gain momentum.
The Chairman also provided an over view of Parliament’s role particularly Senate in legislation making. He said, “Parliament is sovereign and its ultimate role is to legislate for people of Pakistan and in their betterment”. He asked the students to give their inputs regarding various issues facing the country as youth can play very important role in shaping our future.
At the end, the students delegation thanked the Chairman for enlightening them on Senate’s functioning and answering various queries on important national issues. They also invited the Chairman to visit Islamia University Bahawalpur.

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