Friday 15 June 2012


                Islamabad June 14, 2012.

Reference the false and misleading statement of Malik Riaz Hussain in his interview to Duniya TV channel dated 13.06.2012 and also reported by a section of print media dated 14.06.2012 alleging that “Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar has been given a suite at the Balochistan House by the Advisor for Interior Mr. Rehman Malik on the direction of Supreme Court Registrar, Dr. Faqir Hussain”.
This statement is false and concocted. In actual fact, following the order of the two member Bench of Supreme Court dated 11.06.2012; Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar was provided protection and accommodation by the police. The relevant para of the order reads as under:-

“Another apprehension expressed on behalf of Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar in this application relates to the threat to his person and property. The learned Attorney General states that he will talk to the Interior Secretary who shall ensure adequate security for the person and property of Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar…………………………”.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Islamabad Police was responsible for necessary protection to Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar. Accordingly, they booked a room in Balochistan House, it being a more safe and secure place. Thereafter, the Advisor on Interior Mr. Rehman Malik made an unsolicited telephone call to the Registrar informing him about the allotment of the said accommodation. It is unfortunate that a twisted version of the actual state of affairs was given by Malik Riaz to malign and cast aspersion on the Court. It is, therefore, clarified that actually the accommodation was secured by Islamabad Police; pursuant to order of the two member Bench of Supreme Court dated 11.06.2012.

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