Tuesday 22 May 2012

Shanghai Cooperation Organization recognizes Pakistan's contributions and sacrifices in the War Against Terror

Beijing; May 23, 2012
 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
recognizes the invaluable contributions and tremendous sacrifices made
by Pakistan in the war against terrorism.
These remarks were made by SCO Secretary General Muratbek Imanaliev,
in a meeting with Ambassador Masood Khan of Pakistan.
The SCO Secretary General said that the Pakistan plays an important
role in promoting regional security and stability.
Ambassador Masood Khan said that Pakistan fully subscribes to the
objectives of the SCO, which he said, has emerged as a strong and
viable organization. “The SCO has given a new and innovative security
paradigm that focuses on connectivity and economic cooperation.
Pakistan fully endorses SCO’s strides towards regional stability and
shared prosperity”, he said.
“Pakistan is a natural part of SCO’s geographical and economic
footprint”, adding that Pakistan was keen to become a full member of
the organization.
Mr. Imanaliev said that all SCO members and the Secretary General
himself supported Pakistan’s early entry into the SCO as a full
member. “This was a priority issue. Procedures and modalities will be
elaborated later this year to induct new members which had applied for
full membership”.
Pakistan has applied for the full membership of the SCO. Right now, it
has observer status with the Organization which was given in 2005.
The SCO, the Secretary General said, would continue to cooperate with
Pakistan to eradicate the evil forces of terrorism, illicit narcotics,
and trans-national crime.
Ambassador Masood Khan said that Pakistan, as an observer, has
participated actively in the events and activities of the SCO.

President Asif Ali Zardari has been invited to attend the SCO Summit
early next month.
The Summit is likely to focus on regional security issues, including

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