Monday 7 May 2012

Celebrating 60th Anniversary of Pak Japan diplomatic relations /Japanese Ambassador calls on the President‏

Islamabad; May 07, 2012: Japanese Ambassador in Pakistan Mr. Hiroshi Oe today called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.
Matters relating to bilateral relations and enhancing mutual cooperation in various sectors particularly promotion of trade and investment between the two countries were discussed during the meeting.
The President extended his heartiest felicitations to the Japanese leadership and people on the eve of celebrations being held this year marking 60th anniversary of Pakistan-Japan diplomatic relations. He said that throughout this period Japan has always been in the forefronts whenever Pakistani people were faced with difficult times. He appreciated the Japanese response in providing relief to the flood victims in Pakistan and also lauded the role of Japan at FoDP forum.
The President said that the on the eve of celebrating 60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, it was high time for the two countries to focus on broadening the scope of mutual cooperation and to extend it to the areas of trade, investment, energy and infrastructure development, fisheries and dairy sectors.
He expressed the hope that the Friendship Year would further strengthen partnership between the people and the two governments.
The President said Pakistan was cognizant of the constructive role of Japan in the global and Asian affairs and we see Japan as an important player for peace, progress, cooperation and stability in the world.
The President acknowledged with thanks the Japanese assistance to Pakistan in the eradication of polio.
Noting the current trade volume between the two countries, which at present was far below the potential, the President said that there was a great scope to further enhance mutual cooperation, especially in the economic sphere.
He said that Pakistan with its proven natural resources of 186 billion tons of coal and huge reserves of Natural Gas offered great opportunities to Japanese investors to invest in energy sector in Pakistan.
The President also invited Japanese investors in Pak agro-industry in terms of land development, provision of high quality sees, crop farming, cultivation diary and fisheries sector development.
He said that we look forward to Japanese assistance in market oriented capacity building of Pakistani manufacturers, growers and designers in terms of internal level processing, packaging and designing standards.
The President also appreciated the personal role of Mr. Hiroshi Oe in strengthening Pakistan-Japan relations.
Mr. Hiroshi Oe thanked the President for meeting and assured Japan’s continued assistance to the Government and people of Pakistan.

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