Tuesday 15 May 2012

Sayyed Afeefuddin Al-Jailani meets Prime Minister

Islamabad:  May 15, 2012
 Sayyed Afeefuddin Al-Jailani from Iraq, called on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani at the Prime Minister’s House today and shared with him ancesteral affinities. Sayyedna Afeefuddin Al-Jailani is the 19th direct descendent of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani (R.A).
 The Prime Minister extended his appreciation for his contributions for Islam and Muslims through a balanced and moderate approach.
The Prime Minister congratulated him on the successful holding of annual celebrations of Mailadur Rasool International Conference in Malaysia last month while was attended by Muslim Scholars and jurists from all over the world.
The Prime Minister said that he would like to visit Iraq at his earliest convenience to pay respects to his ancestors.

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