Sunday 13 May 2012

Muslim Governments must revisit their entire relationship with the US Government,, SAYS Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmad

Islamabad (May 13 2012): Ex. Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmad, Naib Amir Jamaat Islami Pakistan, has in a press statement from Leicester, U.K. condemned in the strongest terms the clendestine efforts, which accordng to reports were going on since long in the US Military Establishment, to indoctrinate their Armed Forces against Islam and the Muslims.
According to the Christian Post report, which a section of press has carried in Pakistan, the Pentagon has revealed that it discontinued late last month a controvential military course that portrayed Islam as an enemy and suggested “total war” as the only way to dealing with the Muslims. According to the report, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Martin Dempsey explained that the said course, which also proposed “Hiroshima-style” tactics against the Islamists,  went aganst the American interests and  was not “just objectionable but also academically irresponsbile”. The US Armed Forces personnale were being taught since quite some time in the past  to threat Saudi Arabia with starvation and reduce Islam to the state of a cult, while focusing on the holy cities of Makka and Madina for destruction.
Prof. Khurshid noted that the US Military Establishmnt has been making such poisonous effort since long and it is only accidental that the matter has come to the limelight through the media.
He demanded that “Muslim governments and people must condem such nefarious disigns against Islam and Muslim Holy Places and the Muslim Ummah. Prof. Khurshid Ahmad also demanded that the Government of Pakistan must take immediate and effective steps to protest against this and mobilize all Muslim Governments and the OIC to take a united and firm stand on the issue.  There is also need to find out as to what other efforts towards indoctrination against Islam and the Muslims are being made through US  educational media and other  establishments.

According to Prof. Khurshid it is also imperative that the Muslim Governments must revisit their entire relationship with the US Government an come out  of third-worldly  make-belief to face the realities as they are.

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