Tuesday 15 May 2012

Japanese ,Sudanese Ambassadors And Australian High Commissioner calls on Prime Minister Gilani

 Sudanese Ambassador calls on Prime Minister
 Islamabad:  May 15, 2012
Sudanese Ambassador, Mr. Al-Shafie Ahmed Mohamed paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani at the Prime Minister’s House today.
The Prime Minister welcomed the Ambassador and said that both brotherly countries enjoyed excellent relations.
The Prime Minister said that both countries should focus to expand trade, and cooperation in other fields especially in the field of agriculture wherein Pakistan has expertise and Sudan has vast fertile land.
The Ambassador said that he was in second home as Pakistan was concerned because both the countries share common religious and traditions and this commonality conveniently brings the two people very close. He said that his country would welcome agriculture experts from Pakistan to develop agriculture in his country.
The Ambassador said that there was no dearth of water as Rive Nile flows through the country, rain fall is sufficient and ground water is both sweet and in abundance.
The Ambassador extended an invitation to the Prime Minister to visit Sudan and the Prime Minister said that he would visit the brotherly Muslim country at a convenient date.
 Australian High Commissioner pays a
farewell call on Prime Minister
 Islamabad:  May 15, 2012
 Australian High Commissioner Mr Tim George paid a farewell call on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani at PM’s House here today and thanked the government of Pakistan for the hospitality and support during his three years period of diplomatic assignment in Pakistan.
The High Commissioner said that Pakistan and Australia have very good relations and disclosed that his government has increased the volume of developing budget meant for Pakistan.
The High Commissioner expressed his satisfaction over the cooperation in the field of education adding that lot of students from Pakistan have been studying in the Australian Universities and in fact now Australia is the third largest country after USA and UK where a sizeable number of Pakistani students are studying.
He added that there is a lot of scope for collaboration in the fields of education, agriculture, infra-structure and defence.
The Australian High Commissioner expressed satisfaction of his government over the electoral parliamentary cycle in Pakistan and assured full cooperation in the forthcoming electoral process under auspices of the UNDP.
Japanese Ambassador calls on Prime Minister
 Islamabad:  May 15, 2012
Japanese Ambassador Mr Hiroshi OE paid a farewell call on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani at PM’s House this morning.  He said that he had very productive stay in Pakistan during which Pakistan-Japan relations got deeper with every passing day.
He particularly extended thanks of the Japanese Government and the people of his country for airlifting 77 stranded Japanese from Northern areas to Islamabad when security situation deteriorated them.
The Ambassador said that the Japanese companies were holding seminars in Bangkok and Singapore where he will also make presentation in order to persuade the businessmen and Ambassadors to invest in Pakistan because the country offers best destination for them. It may be mentioned that thousands Japanese are doing business in the two countries.
The Ambassador said that it would be his endeavour to convince them to invest in the energy sector and particularly Thar Coal Project and also in the hydal power generation.
He also delivered a letter from the Japanese Prime Minister to the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The Prime Minister said that Pakistan and Japan have excellent relations in the fields of trade and commerce which have grown progressively while serving interests of both the countries at the same time.
The Prime Minister particularly thanked the Japanese Government for hosting Friends of Democratic Pakistan Summit aimed at extending financial and diplomatic support to Pakistan at the international level. The Prime Minister said that this year we would be celebrating 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations of Pakistan and Japan in which he intends to invite his Japanese counterpart to join in the celebrations.
The Prime Minister underscored the importance of high level exchanges and people to people contacts between Pakistan and Japan as these would be quite useful in strengthening the relations between the two countries on sustainable basis.
The Prime Minister said that he would send a delegation of businessmen to Japan as well to meet their Japanese counterparts aimed at bringing more investment in Pakistan and also meet the representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Industries there.
 The Prime Minister appreciated the Japanese government’s assistance in the eradication of Polio in Pakistan which indeed had made a qualitative difference to eradicate this menace which posed a threat to the health of our children and indeed to the future of Pakistan.
The Prime Minister assured the Ambassador to convey his best wishes to the leadership of Japan adding that he was looking forward the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to Pakistan.

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