Tuesday 29 May 2012

PAKISTAN emphasized upon the need to fast-track implementation of Pak-China agreed projects in the areas of energy, mining, infrastructure, IT, communication agricultural and others

 President's meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Mr. Yang Jiechi‏

 Islamabad, 29 May 2012:
President Asif Ali Zardari has emphasized upon the need to fast-track implementation of Pak-China agreed projects in the areas of energy, mining, infrastructure, IT, communication and agricultural and others for the mutual benefit of the two countries. He has also proposed establishment of trans-border economic zones for shared development and prosperity of Gilgit-Baltistan and western regions of China and for setting up an umbrella corporation in the energy sector called “Pakistan-China Power Corporation” which should include specialists and entities from all the fields.
This he said during two rounds of meetings with the visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Mr. Yang Jiechi here at Aiwan-e-Sadr today.
During the delegation level meeting, Foreign Minister Mr. Yang Jiechi was assisted by Ambassador Liu Jian, Sun Weidong, Deputy Director General for Asian Affairs of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, Zhang Jianmin and other senior officials.
Pak side included Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar, Federal Minister for Defence, Senator Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Federal Minister for Finance, Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Khalil Ahmed, Ambassador-at-Large, Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani, Pak Ambassador to China Mr. Masood Khan and Spokesperson to the President Senator Farhatullah Babar besides other senior officials.
Spokesperson to the President Senator Farhatullah Babar while briefing about the meeting said that the President thanked the Chinese Government and its leadership for their unswerving and continued support  to Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and multifaceted assistance at all hours of need.
He said that Pakistani people highly value their brotherly relations with the Chinese and were eager to learn from the Chinese experience of growth and development
The President while recalling his previous visits to China said that each of his visits offered a unique experience of learning. He said that Pakistan was keen to translate its traditional equation with China into economic terms and attaches great importance to enhancing economic and trade linkages with China.
He said that the enhanced economic engagement of the two countries was an encouraging development and the two countries needed to fast-track implementation of mutually agreed projects for the mutual benefit of the people.
While expressing with satisfaction over the increased bilateral trade, the President remarked that there was still a great margin which could be explored for further enhancing the trade volume.  He said that China may send frequent purchase missions to Pakistan to help reduce the current trade imbalance.
Terming the conclusion of bilateral currency swap agreement a major development between the two countries, the President said that ICBC’s decision to open its branches in Pakistan was another positive development to enhance trade and investment. He expressed the hope that National Bank of Pakistan would also be able to open its branch in China soon.
The President said that Pakistan was passing through a challenging phase in the energy sector. He said that we greatly appreciate Chinese assistance and investment in the energy sector. The President expressed the hope that the 2nd Joint Energy Working Group meeting which was held in Islamabad on 7-8 May 2012 would open new vistas of cooperation in the energy sector.
He said that in order to promote people to people contacts, there was a need to focus on increasing rail, road and air connectivity. He said that the two sides may consider initiating commercial flights between Islamabad-Kashgar to facilitate greater connectivity.
Discussing regional situation, the President said that Pakistan as an important player and China as a source of region stability have a great role to play in promoting regional stability and development. He said that trilateral dialogue recently initiated by the Foreign Ministers of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan offered new opportunities for enhancing mutual cooperation. He said that Pakistan fully endorses China’s call for the SCO and existing multilateral mechanisms to play their full role in the region for promoting peace, stability and development.
The President said that extremism and militancy was a common enemy and should be defeated by joint efforts and mutual cooperation.
The President also thanked the Chinese Government for its assistance in searching the martyrs of recent Siachen avalanche.
The Chinese Foreign Minister thanked the President for meeting and assured Chinese Government’s continued support to Pakistan. He reiterated China’s firm commitment and support safeguarding Pakistan’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
He said that China will continue to support Pakistan on all regional and international platforms and thanked Pakistan for its unstinted support to China on critical issues of concern to Beijing like Taiwan.
He said that his visit was intended to further enhance and consolidate the strategic partnership between the two countries.


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