Monday 14 May 2012

100-member Chinese Youth Delegation’s visit to Pakistan

 Speech of Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani
Prime Minister of Pakistan

At a meeting of 100-member Chinese Youth Delegation’s visit to Pakistan

(May 14, 2012)
·     Mr. Wan Xuejun,
     Deputy Secretary General of All    China Youth Federation (ACYF)

·     Members of the Chinese Youth Delegation,
·     Excellencies,
·     Ladies and Gentlemen
Good afternoon,
It is a matter of immense pleasure for me to welcome the 100- member Chinese Youth Delegation on their visit to Pakistan. This fifth visit of the Chinese Youth Delegation is part of bilateral Youth Exchange Programme, which was agreed to during the visit of the Chinese President His Excellency Hue Jin Tao to Pakistan in 2006.
I have been told that your delegation consists of people from different walks of life such as professionals, business entrepreneurs, artists, students, and sports persons.
I would take this opportunity to appreciate your keenness to know more about Pakistan’s culture, economy, arts, and history.  

I would also like to thank the All China Youth Federation on their warm welcome and excellent hospitality extended to five Pakistani Youth Delegations, which visited China under the said Programme.

As a result of Youth Exchange Programme, we now have 1000 enterprising men and women from both countries, who have deeper understanding of each other’s culture, history, and a way of life. This strengthening of people-to-people contact is a manifestation of our shared resolve to further deepen our bilateral relations and take them to new heights.

Ladies and Gentlemen
I am sure that your visit will contribute to building a bright future for the relations of our two countries. It goes without saying that Pakistan and China are good neighbours, time-tested friends, kind brothers, close partners and strategic allies.
This is a unique relationship, which goes beyond governments and is owned by people of both countries.
Pakistan-China friendship, aptly described as “higher than Himalayas, deeper than the oceans and sweeter than honey”, is all-weather, as it has stood the test of time. Our bilateral ties are based on the strong foundations of trust and mutuality of interests. They are also rooted in the ethos of the peoples of our two countries. We share each other’s joys and sorrows and have a complete identity of views on all the regional and global issues.
Our brotherly relations owe themselves to our geographical proximity, to the common rivers that flow through both our lands, to the mountains that transcend our borders.
These relations can be explained in terms of our shared cultural heritage and the rich tradition of interaction between our two great and ancient civilizations.
In more recent times, our peoples have waged similar struggles against the forces of subjugation and oppression.
The hallmark of this relationship is that both our countries have stood by each other through thick and thin. We shall never forget the way Chinese people extended their support and assistance to the people of Pakistan during earthquake in 2005 and the devastating floods of 2010.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Pakistan and China have shared interests in the promotion of peace, and development and are determined to exploit opportunities thrown up by globalization. Our ever-expanding cooperation in multifaceted fields is reflection of groundswell of the goodwill and affectation that the leadership and the people of our two countries nurture for each other.

The depth of our partnership can be measured by all-encompassing nature of our strategic relations which cover trade, investment, energy, transportation, agriculture, infrastructure building, defence, education, science and technology, human development and cultural exchanges.

The visit to Pakistan of His Excellency Wen Jiabao,           Prime Minister of China was another milestone in our bilateral relations, which further solidified and expanded our bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
Let me add here that in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, the government and people of Pakistan celebrated 2011 as “Year of Pakistan-China Friendship”.        

Ladies and Gentlemen
Both Pakistan and China have successfully endeavoured to create synergy to build mutually beneficial partnership for progress and social harmony in our two countries as well as in Asia and beyond.
I have often said that Pakistan-China friendship is a factor of peace and stability in a turbulent region. This unique friendship has contributed immensely to regional and international peace, stability and understanding.
You will agree with me that the future of any nation depends upon its youth and on how best it uses their potential. Today China is a classic example of turning its population into a demographic dividend, which is a living testament to the wisdom and vision of its leadership.
The height of socio-economic and technological development that China has touched within a short span of time is a worthy example of hard work of its people.
I believe that developing countries in our region as well as beyond have much to learn from the Chinese experience.

Distinguished audience
Pakistan is a home to a dynamic and vibrant youthful population. Our youth is blessed with the power to dream, energy to realize those dreams, high hopes, and great ideals. They have set high benchmarks of performance in their chosen fields and professions through their dedication and commitment, which speaks volumes about their talents, skills and intelligence.

The Pakistani youth is deeply interested in the affairs of their motherland and playing their due role in its socio-economic development. They believe in a strong, democratic, moderate and prosperous Pakistan. What they need is right kind of environment and we are focusing on making Pakistan’s environment conducive to our youth. We are building our governmental, social, political, national, educational and religious institutions to ensure a bright future for our youth.
We seek to create opportunity for modern education and social landscape upon which our youth can exploit their natural abilities to the maximum.

Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a matter of satisfaction that interaction between the youths of our two countries is growing at different levels.
This is where youth exchange programmes have established their utility. There is a close collaboration between our universities and academia. This collaboration is vital to increasing understanding between our two people.

The Youth Exchange Programme is instrumental in fostering friendship, understanding, and a better future for the two countries. The youth are the ambassadors of our friendship and future of our two countries. In view of usefulness of these programmes, I believe that these exchanges need to be continued. This way, we will ensure that the strong tradition of our all weather friendship is transferred to the next generations in Pakistan and China.

I have been told that the Chinese artists have composed a beautiful song on Pakistan-China friendship. This song moved the participants at a cultural show organized at Pakistan National Council of Arts yesterday. I am hopeful that our youth have the capability and dynamism to take forward our shared legacy of friendship.

I wish you a fruitful stay during the rest of your tour. Lahore, which is your next destination, is cultural capital of Pakistan. This city, I am sure, will dazzle you with its cultural delights, warmth of hospitality and a great civilizational beauty.

I again welcome you to Pakistan.

 Long Live Pakistan-China Friendship!

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