Wednesday 4 July 2012

President's message on the occasion of 05th July‏

Islamabad, 04 July 2012: Co-Chairman PPP President Asif Ali Zardari has said that July 5th would be remembered in the annals of our history as the darkest day as on this day a dictator driven by his self-serving and delusory motives attempted to seal the fate of a progressive and a moderate society by deposing a constitutionally and directly elected prime minister of the country and systematically dismantling legal and constitutional edifice of the country. It was on this day when a bigoted vision tried redefining the future course of the country by shaking the foundations of democracy and interrupting the political process, he said in his message on the occasion.    

“Today there is some consolation in the thought that the Constitution has been restored to its original form by the elected representatives of the people.”

Co-Chairman PPP said that the Constitution that was once disfigured by the dictator was restored by the government of the same Party whose founder was executed through a judicial murder. The struggle of the Party and the people of the country to reach at this point was no doubt a long one and many had to shed their blood for democracy, he said.

However, the dream of a genuine democratic order in which the principle of trichotomy of powers is respected and in which no institution of the state trespasses in the domain of other institutions is yet to be fully realized. The democratic forces must pledge today to resist the new forms of dictatorships that appear to be raising their ugly heads in different forms and manifestations, he said.

President Zardari said that the era of packing the Parliament by the dictators is over for all times and no back doors and side doors will be allowed to be reopened for sending the real representatives home.

Let us on this day also reiterate our commitment to the values of supremacy of the Parliament and the Constitution and the building of a modern, egalitarian and pluralistic society in which everyone is allowed opportunity to help shape his or her own destiny--values for which Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto stood and fought for and when the time came even laid down his life for it instead of bowing his head before a usurper, he said in his message.

Co-Chairman said that the Party, the people and the democracy survived the judicial murder of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the abuse of judicial processes to chase and hound daughter of the visionary leader and the accusations and witch hunting of its leaders and workers and it will continue to defy all odds.

The PPP Co chairman also paid homage to the martyrs of democracy saying that “on this day, let us also remember all our martyrs who offered their blood to restore democracy in the country and to secure peace, honor and freedom for the future generation.” Let us also remember those brave sons of the soil representing all segments of society who endured torture of the worst degree but continued struggling for the sake of democracy and ridding our society from the menaces of bigotry, repression, sectarianism and militancy. We salute their courage and their services to democracy, he said.

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