Friday 6 July 2012

President approves nominations for NEC‏

Islamabad, 06 July 2012;
President Asif Ali Zardari today, on the advice of Prime Minister, has nominated following four members of the Federal Government on the National Economic Council in terms of Article 156(1) of the Constitution;
Dr. Arbab Alamgir Khan, Federal Minister for Communications (MNA from Khyber Pakhtunkhawa)
Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar, Federal Minister for Water and Power (MNA from Pubjab)
Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Planning and Development, Economic Affairs and Statistics (Senator from Sindh).
Mir Changez Khan Jamali, Federal Minister for Science and Technology (MNA from Balochistan)
 The President has also approved the nomination of Mr. Hasnain Mirza, MPA from Sindh as the member of NEC from Sindh.
Spokesperson to the President Senator Farhatullah Babar said that according to Clause 1 of Article 156, the NEC comprises of the Prime Minister, the Chief Ministers and one member from each province to be nominated by the Chief Minister. The Prime Minister may also nominate four other members from time to time.
He said that although it was neither mandatory nor constitutional requirement yet the former Prime Minister had nominated the above federal ministers, one from each province, on the NEC.   However, they ceased to be the member of the NEC on their ceasing to hold office of the Minister on 19th June 2012, notwithstanding their fresh oath taken on 22 June 2012. Besides, it is prerogative of the Prime Minister to make nominations on the NEC which require approval of the President, he said.
Spokesperson further said that the nomination of  Mr. Hasnain Mirza, MPA from Sindh as the member of NEC from Sindh was made by the Chief Minister Sindh replacing his Advisor on Planning and Development. The nomination after its approval from the Prime Minister’s office has also been approved by the President also.

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