Friday 13 July 2012

India will have to give freedom to Kashmiris - Kashmir Committee

 Islamabad, the 13th July, 2012.

Chairman of Special Committee of the Parliament on Kashmir Maulana Fazlur Rahman has said that the Kashmiris were valiant and brave nation. The history of their freedom struggle is longer than that of India or Pakistan. Therefore, India would not be able to keep the Kashmiris slave for a longtime.

2. In a statement on the Kashmir Martyrs’ Day (July 13) the Chairman Kashmir Committee said that the Kashmiris revolted against the tyranny of the Sikh rulers and many of their leaders, including Sardar Sabaz Ali Khan and Sardar Shamas Khan were skinned alive. The Kashmiris again revolted against the Dogra Rule and many Kashmiris were martyred on July 13, 1931. A Kashmir Committee was also formed then with Allama Iqbal its Head in support of the Kashmiris. He said, Pakistan supported Kashmiris in the past and will continue doing so in the future as well.

3. Maulana Fazlur Rahman said that the Kashmiri people were struggling for a genuine cause, i.e. the right to self-determination. Hence, the whole world should support them. He said, due to the efforts of Pakistan and Kashmiris, awareness of the world community about the Kashmir issue is increasing and voices in support of the hapless Kashmiris are being raised not only in other countries, but in India as well.

4. The Chairman Kashmir Committee said that India was using all tactics and means to crush the movement of Kashmiris. The US and Israeli military personnel are also assisting over eight hundred thousand Indian soldiers posted in the Occupied Kashmir. Recently, Israel has inducted more armed personnel in Kashmir in the guise of tourists. However, whatsoever India may do, she can’t keep the Kashmir is salve for a long time and she will have to give them freedom; because history is witness to the fact that a nation, who is determined to clinch freedom, can’t be kept in bondage for an unlimited period of time.

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