Tuesday 3 July 2012

Government must stop the game of hide and seek on the most crucial national issue of restoring supply lines for the Occupation Forces of US and NATO in Afghanistan== demand Of Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmad

Islamabad (July 3, 2012):  In a press statement issued today the Naib Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan ex-Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmad has demanded that the Government must stop the game of hide and seek on the most crucial  national issue of restoring supply lines for the Occupation Forces of US and NATO in Afghanistan. All indications are that Government is heading towards surrendering to the American pressure. “This would be a disastrous blunder”, he stressed.

According to Prof. Khurshid, apology is no longer an issue. The most pressing issue now is to redefine our relationship with the U.S. because of its constant betrayals and efforts to subvert Pakistan’s stability, violate its sovereignty and conspire against its vital national interests in the region.  Drone attacks continue and the US economic arm-twisting and blackmailing has crossed all limits.

“The real issue for Pakistan and the region is peace in Afghanistan and our total dis-association with the America’s War on Terror. It is an alarming fact that even after Salalah aggression the US Forces continues to be at the Jacobabad and our air space is being used for unrestricted supplies to war of occupation in Afghanistan”, Prof. Khurshid observed. “We must continue to uphold US pressure, stick to our principled stand and protect Pakistan’s sovereignty and strategic interests”, he emphasized.

Prof. Khurshid Ahmad warned that Government must not take any U-turn at this critical moment when 74% of the Pakistani people have openly declared, according to the US public polls (PEO), that they regard the US  not a friend but an enemy, and 85% of them have expressed disappointment over the performance of the Federal Government. The people of Pakistan having thus declared their stance, the Government has to honour their judgment. “Fresh national elections are the only way out and the whole issue of relationship with the US and suspension of NATO supplies should, therefore,be left to the new Government and the Parliament who should enjoy the trust of the people”, he concluded.

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