Thursday 30 August 2012


             Islamabad, the 30th August 2012.-       A four members US Embassy delegation led by Mr. Richard E. Hoagland (Charge ‘d’ Affairs of the US Embassy)  called on the Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan,      Mr. Justice Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim and Members of the Election Commission today at the Election Commission’s Secretariat, Islamabad.

2.         Mr. Hoagland appreciated the steps taken by the ECP to strengthen electoral norms in Pakistan expressing support for the electoral reforms and strengthening democracy in Pakistan. Expressing his satisfaction at the formation of the Commission by political consensus, he resolved to further develop the international community linkages with the democratic institutions in Pakistan.

3.         The Commission thanked the delegation and informed that Election Commission is giving finishing touches to the preparation being made by the ECP for holding free, fair and credible elections upto the expectations of the Pakistani nation and the international community.

4.         The delegation was also informed that the ECP attaches high priority to have friendly relations with international community and welcomes International observers for the forthcoming general elections in Pakistan.

5.         In the evening an Australian Parliamentary delegation led by Senator John Joseph Hogg, President of Australian Senate also met the Election Commission and had useful exchange of ideas regarding electoral practices in the two countries and the need to benefit from each other experiences. Mr. Peter Heyward, Australian High Commissioner also accompanied the delegation.


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