Friday 17 August 2012

Pakistan-Tajkistan need to enhance road connectivity for increased trade,

Islamabad: 17th August, 2012

                                                      People to people contacts
Chairman Senate Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari has said that Pakistan highly value its relations with Tajikistan as our ties are rooted in shared religion, culture and history and enhancing communication through wahkhan corridor between the two countries can give a boost to their trade relations and people to people contacts. He was expressing these views in a meeting with Tajik ambassador Zulbaydullo N. Zubaydov.

While talking about regional connectivity and increasing cooperation between regional countries, the Chairman said that world is heading towards regionalism as countries of region have shared interests. He emphasized the need for more close cooperation in various fields particularly enhancing trade and economic relations between the two countries.

`The Chairman told that increasing communication linkage by having road through Wahkhan border can not only assist in trade between both the countries but also increase more frequent people to people contacts. Pakistan can export its surplus food, wheat, rice, fine quality mangoes, citrus fruits and textile goods to Tajikstan. He added.

Tajik Ambassador told the Chairman that Tajik President will be visiting Pakistan soon along with some Parliamentary and other delegates. There will also be quartet meeting (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Russia) in Doshanbay in October to explore more avenues of cooperation in the region.

Talking about increasing trade volume he agreed with the Chairman that it should be increased via more road linkages through Wahkhan corridor and Thorkham. Tajik Ambassador also offered 1000 MW electricity transmission line from Tajikistan to Pakistan in order to help resolving its energy crisis.
Ambassador Zubaydullo told the Chairman that Parliamentary contacts between the two countries are not proactive and as inter parliamentary relations between the two countries can provide a bed rock for building our bilateral relations further and hence there is dire need to focus on them. He also emphasized the need for more frequent people to people contacts through exchange of parliamentary, business, trade and cultural delegations.

The Chairman appreciated Tajikistan’s offer for 1000 MW electricity supply line. Referring to enhancing inter parliamentary relations the Chairman said that Pakistan-Tajikistan Parliamentary friendship group can be formed which can play vital role for building our ties in this capacity. He said that parliament represents will of the people and definitely exchange of parliamentary delegations between the two countries can boost our bilateral relations and can lead to enhanced engagement and cooperation between the two countries.

While talking about Afghanistan situation and its impact on regional peace, the Chairman said that we believe in Afghan led and Afghan owned solution and peace in Afghanistan is essential for regional peace, progress and prosperity.

At the end the Ambassador extended invitation to the Chairman Senate to visit Tajikistan with parliamentary delegation in order to boost our relations.  

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