Wednesday 31 July 2013

complete text, Resignation of Chief Election Commissioner Fakhruddin G Ebrahim

Justice (R) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim
Chief Election Commissioner

I took oath of office of the Chief Election Commissioner on23rd July 2012, approximately
nine months prior to the General Elections. I did not seek this high office, but in fact
accepted the same with reluctance, upon persuasion from senior members of Parliament
that I was the only person on whom the members of the opposition and the govemment
could both agree upon. ,
Now, the transition from one elected civilian government to another has been completed
for the first time in the sixty six year history of our great country. It is belated and has
come with much sacrifice. Too many have fallen at the hands of terrorists - political
workers, teachers, lawyers, joumalists, members of police and armed forces, government
servants and ordinary men and women have all paid a high price. Even children have not
been spared. Aimal Khan, age 6 was shot along with his father, a candidate for elections,
when they came out from their neighborhood mosque after Friday prayers during the
campaign. These are the true heroes of our democratic struggle.
In the performance of professional duties, I have done my utmost to hold true to
democratic values, the dictates of my conscience and the commands of the Constitution. I
am proud that the Election Commission has acted without fear or favor and strived to
create as level a playing field as was possible. Despite personal threats and even brazen
gun attack on my family - I quietly stood firm against those forces who first tried to derail
and then delay the 2013 Elections.

I was appointed through a consultative process by the last Parliament. My constitutional
term ends in 20t7. However, in my humble opinion, the newly elected members of
Parliament should have the opportunity to forge new consensus and choose a new Chief
Election Commissioner. This will also allow the next Chief Election Commissioner
sufficient time and opportunity to prepare and lead the Election Commission for the
general elections of 2018.
Therefore, in accordance with Article 215(3) of the Constitution, I hereby resign from the
office of the Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabad.
Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim

To: Mr. Asif Ali Zardari
President, Islamic Republic of

cc: Mr. Mian Muhammed Nawaz Sharif
Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Mr. Ishtiak Ahmad Khan
Secretary, Election Commission of Pakistan.
Election House, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, lslamabad

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