Friday 8 March 2013

codes of conduct for observers, security personnel, and polling personnel


Islamabad the 7th March, 2013
No.F.2(10)/2013-Cord (1).— In exercise of the powers conferred upon it under Article 218(3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan read with Section 104 of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan is pleased to issue the Code of Conduct for Observers for the General Elections, 2013 and subsequent bye-elections:
(1) Every person who participates in election observation individually or as a member of a local group / organization or International Election Observation Mission must read and understand this Code of Conduct and shall sign a pledge annexed to this Code.
(2) Observers shall respect the sovereignty of Pakistan as well as the fundamental rights and freedom of its people.
(3) Observers shall adhere to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and respect the authority of the Election Commission and its election officials.
(4) Observers shall follow instructions issued from the Election Commission and State authorities including security officials and maintain a respectful attitude towards them.
(5) Strict political impartiality shall be maintained by Observers at all times during election process. They shall not exhibit any bias or preference with regard to national authorities, political parties and candidates as well as any issue related to the process of elections.
(6) Observers shall not conduct or participate in any activity that may generate an impression of favoring or opposing any political party or a candidate.
(7) The Observer will have right to ask any question and to clear any query but they will not obstruct directly or indirectly in any pre-election, election and post election process.
(8) Observers shall display their official identification badges, issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan, at all times and shall present it to electoral officials and other national authorities when requested.

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(9) Observers shall ensure that all their observations are impartial, objective and depict the highest standards of accuracy.
(10) Individual Observer shall not make any personal comments about his/her observation or conclusion on the election process to the media. Observation Organizations or groups should ensure that only their authorized persons give comment about the election process.
(11) Observer Organizations may share their findings, methodology and recommendations with the Election Commission of Pakistan.
(12) Observers shall maintain proper personal behavior and respect others, including exhibiting sensitivity for culture and customs of the country and observe the highest level of professional conduct at all times.
(13) All organizations requesting accreditation from the Election Commission of Pakistan shall be responsible for education and training of their individual observers in electoral laws and procedures, including this Code.
(14) The Observers intending to visit Pakistan shall submit their visa applications well in time, according to the rules laid down by relevant authorities of the Government of Pakistan. No observer shall stay in Pakistan beyond the duration of granted visa.
(15) Observers shall comply with advisories that may be issued by the Government or security agencies to ensure their safety during their stay in Pakistan.
(16) In case of violation of this Code of Conduct, the Election Commission of Pakistan reserves the right to withdraw observer accreditation of an individual Observer or an Observer Mission. The authority to determine the violation also rests with the Election Commission of Pakistan.

Islamabad the 7th March, 2013

No.F.2(10)/2013-Cord (2).— In exercise of the powers conferred upon it under Article 218(3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan read with Section 104 of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan is pleased to issue the Code of Conduct for Polling Personnel for the General Elections, 2013 and subsequent bye-elections:

(1) Presiding Officer shall not follow any instructions except those given by the District Returning Officer and / or Returning Officer (RO).
(2) Assistant Presiding Officers and Polling Officers shall obey the instructions of the Presiding Officer during the conduct of poll.
(3) Polling personnel shall especially focus on punctuality, accuracy and proper communication with superiors.
(4) If, for any reason, any of the polling personnel cannot perform his/her duty, he/she shall inform concerned Presiding Officer without any delay who will convey it immediately to the RO concerned.
(5) All the polling personnel shall perform their duties in a neutral manner and treat all the voters, representatives of political parties and candidates, media and observers without any bias.
(6) Polling personnel shall not involve themselves in any political activity nor shall they express any political preference during performance of their duty at the polling stations.
(7) Polling personnel shall not wear any symbol of any political party or candidate.
(8) Polling Personnel shall pay special attention on protection of voters’ rights and secrecy of vote.
(9) Presiding Officers shall endeavor to resolve any problem at the polling station in order to ensure an uninterrupted conduct of voting.

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(10) Polling Personnel should show proper courtesy to all voters and attendants at the polling place and shall accommodate illiterate and disabled voters and facilitate their voting, while protecting their right to secrecy.


Islamabad the 7th March, 2013

No.F.2(10)/2013-Cord (3).— In exercise of the powers conferred upon it under Article 218(3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan read with Section 104 of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan is pleased to issue the Code of Conduct for Security Personnel for the General Elections, 2013 and subsequent bye-elections:

(1) All personnel belonging to law enforcing agencies, deputed for any election duty, shall work in close collaboration with concerned District Returning Officer, Returning Officer and other election officials.
(2) All law enforcing agencies shall remain neutral throughout the election process and shall not act in favour of or against any political party or candidate.
(3) On polling day all lawful orders of Returning Officers and Presiding Officers shall be promptly implemented by law enforcing agencies.
(4) The security personnel deputed at the polling station shall stay outside the polling station premises or at a place as directed by concerned Presiding Officer. They shall not enter the polling station premises unless they are so directed by the concerned Presiding Officer.
(5) The officials of law enforcing agencies deployed at a polling station shall assist the Presiding Officer in maintaining or restoring law and order at the polling station as and when asked to do so.
(6) The security personnel standing outside the polling station shall facilitate the voters and ensure that they are properly queued. They will render all possible assistance to persons with physical disability, old and sick voters including pregnant women. Such voters shall be allowed to stand at the front of queue.

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(7) The security personnel deployed at the polling station shall ensure that peaceful and conducive environment is provided to voters outside the polling stations and voters are neither intimidated nor hampered from voting.

(8) Where any law enforcing agency is tasked with protecting and transporting election materials under its supervision, such election materials shall be transported with due care and diligence and shall not be tampered during their transport in any manner.

(9) The Security forces shall abide by all the relevant laws and continuously work on winning the general public’s trust by maintaining law and order during election process.


  I have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Election Observers that was provided by the Election Commission of Pakistan. I, hereby pledge that I will follow the Code of Conduct and that, I will conduct myself and my activities in complete accordance with it.

2. I have no conflicts of interest, political, economic nor any other, that will interfere with my ability to be an impartial election observer and to follow the Code of Conduct.

Signed  _____________________________
Name  ______________________________
Date  _______________________________

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